Monday, December 26, 2011

New Equipment - New Challenges

So doing Triathlons is often all about getting better gear. I haven't done too many Tri's yet, but one thing is clear from the ones that I have done is that it often isn't about how fast you are but more about what gear you have. Ridiculously expensive bikes, special teardrop shaped helmets, special quick tie shoes, sports drink, etc. It actually is amazing what things people buy just because they think its going to make them faster.

One piece of gear that actually does make you faster is a quality wetsuit. That is exactly what Amy's family gave me for Christmas this year.
A Xterra Vector 4 Sleeveless. I have rented wetsuits in the past, but mostly just gone without one feeling that I was manly enough not to need the boost of the suit to swim well. Now I get to look like all the other lemmings lining up at the start line (not to mention swim a bit faster).

The real reason I need the wetsuit however is that if I am actually going to do the Escape From Alcatraz Triathlon a wetsuit is a necessity. The water in San Francisco Bay on race day should be between 50 - 55 degrees. I bit chilly even for a hardy midwesterner. Also, you blend in better with the Harbor Seals.

Thanks Trenkles!!!

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